Community and Economic Development

Attract Economic Investment

Michael Geoghegan Consulting has the training, the experience and the connections to help your community thrive economically. MGC has worked with local government and First Nations to help them attract economic investment.

On February 25, 1999 Michael Geoghegan and Bill Vigars co-authored a report for the Vancouver Island Economic Developers Association (VIEDA) that made a number of key recommendations for encouraging greater economic investment on the Vancouver Island and Powell River regions of British Columbia.

In addition to having a B.A. in Economics from the University of Victoria, Mike is a skilled orator who has a keen understanding of what it takes to make an economy prosper. He is often called upon by other organizations to either give a speech or participate on industry panels. One recent example was the Opening Conference Panel held on October 23, 2003 in Vancouver B.C. by the Independent Power Producers Association of BC (the text of Mike Geoghegan's speech at this event is also available).

In 2006 Mike served as the Acting CEO for the Syilxw Development Corporation, the economic development corporation for the Upper Nicola Band located near Merritt, BC.

Through his former position on Langford's Planning and Zoning Committee, and his work with various developers over the years, Mike has helped to ensure that Greater Victoria’s Western Communities lead the area in terms of economic growth.

Cutting Through the Red Tape

In terms of land development, MGC has worked on projects in Kelowna, Kamloops and on Vancouver Island that have found themselves ensnared in red tape at the local, regional and provincial level. In every case MGC has made the difference between the success and failure of these projects.

If your community or First Nation is looking for more economic investment, please contact us. If you are a land developer that is running into costly delays from a local, provincial or federal government agency then contact us as well. You will be glad that you did.

Contact Us

Michael Geoghegan Consulting
Victoria, B.C
P: (250) 881-0969