Polling and Policy Analysis

In addition to the results-oriented work MGC does for its private sector, public sector and First Nations clients, we can also perform detailed analysis and work regarding the systemic problems and challenges facing a region, a non-profit organization, a government ministry or an industrial sector.

From time to time MGC also undertakes detailed analysis of some of the forces shaping our political landscape. Our first detailed polling analysis, conducted in April and May of 1999 generated national news coverage.

This study was the first to predict that the BC NDP government would win "zero to four seats" two full years before the May 2001 BC election that saw the NDP elect only two MLAs.

Our firm has also assisted several of our clients in getting competitive rates for polling work designed to help fine-tune their message to government, the media and the public. We have also provided analysis to a variety of law firms and corporations in Canada and the United States.

Some examples of MGC's publicly released work are listed below:

For further information please contact us.

Contact Us

Michael Geoghegan Consulting
Victoria, B.C
P: (250) 881-0969
E: mike@bclobbyist.com